It’s My Birthday Too, Yeah

Today was Bennett and Sutton’s second birthday.  Last year on their birthday, I posted something to Facebook along the lines of, “One year ago was the best day of my life, followed closely by the rest of the top 365.” Well, make that “two years ago” and “the rest of the top 730.”

But this is probably the last year I’ll do the math on that.  I love you, kids.  That’s what matters.

We had a lot of time to reflect today.  The kids really liked going through the photo book Aunt Susie made them of the day they were born.  Drew broke down crying reading it.  We had to explain to Sutton (“Daddy’s crying!”) that sometimes grownups cry because they’re happy.

We also talked to Aunt Tiffany, who told us that her son now thinks, because we are two daddies, that all kids are supposed to have two daddies.  He is convinced that once she grows up, his mom will be a daddy, too.  Take that, right-wingers!

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