Comment Policy

A few notes on commenting:

There’s no approval process for comments, because I don’t want to discourage anyone from writing.  You hit “post”, it goes up.  If it’s spam or hatemail, I’ll take it down later, after my legitimate readers have had a chance to mock you or buy your timeshares, whichever the case may be.

I do my best to respond to all comments on this blog, because I appreciate everyone who reads the stuff I write and doubly appreciate those who take the time to write to me.  Sometimes I’m lucky enough to have a post of mine get linked somewhere like Freshly Pressed, and that brings in a boatload of new readers.  This makes me extremely happy and grateful but tends to generate more comments than I can respond to individually.  I am really sorry if this happens.  Know that I read every single comment, and if you stick around and comment again on another less popular post (which I hope you will), you’ll probably hear back from me directly next time.

If you have a question which you need a response to, use the form on the Contact Me page to send me an email.  I’m pretty good about replying to those.

When I do respond to a comment, I try to do so in the same tone and spirit of your original comment.  If you’re nice, I’ll be nice.  If you’re snarky, I’ll snark back.  If you choose to go on the attack, don’t be surprised if I get all up in your grill or whimper nervously in response.  On those rare occasions when you convince me I’m wrong, I’ll admit it.  So if you think I’m wrong, please feel free to say so.  Again, however politely you say it to me, that’s how politely I’ll respond.

One thing that’s not tolerated here is homophobia, in any form.  It says “Adventures of a Gay Superdad” right there on top of the blog.  If that makes you uncomfortable, go away.  (Thankfully, this has only happened a couple of times…  which should make you haters feel even pettier.)

I reserve the right to delete and ban anyone who crosses whatever I deem to be “the line”.  This does not infringe on your right to free speech.  You’re free to start your own blog and say whatever crazy things you want.  I’m free never to visit your blog and to live my life blissfully unaware of the depths of your lunacy.

This blog is my home.  If you come in here and insult me, you’re no longer welcome.

The rest of you are awesome.

30 comments on “Comment Policy

  1. Pingback: You Said It! | Mommy Man

  2. Thank you. This is one place I come to feel the hope and excitement for the future – for my children who are young adults stepping out into the world. I want to know that they will have the opportunity to have a family of their own making and own configuation. And that they will have communities that love them. So, thank you for keeping this a safe place for sharing our families and our lives.

  3. I just saw your piece on the Today Show and I must say THANK YOU. I’m a mom of three in my forties and you and your family has made me a appreciate everything I’ve taken for granted.

  4. I read your article and have to say it was very well put. I do have one comment however, when you say ‘I love you no matter what’. My son is gay and I love him, although, saying ‘no matter what’ to me anyway, implys that there is something wrong. There is nothing wrong with my son, and there is nothing wrong with you either, I just thought you might like to hear this.

    • I hear what you’re saying and I appreciate you saying it. Of course I don’t mean to imply that there’s anything wrong. I think when I wrote “no matter what” I just meant to imply that it wasn’t limited to sexuality, that you love your kids unconditionally. But I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to take it the wrong way.

  5. Jerry, I’m the newest addition to Families in the Loop, and I found you listed among the contributors. I am beyond thrilled to have found your blog; I love your spirit and voice, and the fact that you’ll get all up in someone’s grill (or whimper nervously!). I look forward to reading more of ya!
    ~Stephanie 🙂

  6. Well i guess i love this comment policy, to be true this is the first blog i read as a blog, and I did actualy my own today, but is in spanish I dont think you may be interested, anyways i loved your comment policy, I may steel some of your terms, have an amazing day!

  7. Pingback: Mommy and Daddy Bloggers Shoot the Poop: Part One | The Daily Post

  8. This sounds like a well thought out policy. I blog about growing up in an LGBT+ family, and recently got my first negative comment. It was pretty harmless, “far-left guff” but I wasn’t sure whether to accept or reject it – I’m obviously uncomfortable with the idea of censoring people, but at the same time I want my blog to be a safe space for people, especially if people stumble across it who currently live in isolated communities where they don’t have access to much positive messaging. I also found it funny that anybody would bother to search for, read, and comment on a blog which is so clearly oppositional to their beliefs anyway.

  9. Pingback: How to Talk to Your Kids About Gay People, By a Gay Person | Mommy Man

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