5 Christmas Secrets I Keep From My Kids

pictured (l-r): Sutton, a complete fraud, Bennett

pictured (l-r): Sutton, a complete fraud, Bennett

Ho ho ho, guys! It’s me! No, not Santa. Daddy! Although, actually, since you mention it…

No, nevermind. Forget I said that. With Christmas coming up so soon, I’m just giddy with anticipation for you-know-who’s arrival. Or should I say “you-think-you-know-who.” Ha, ha, ha!

Sorry, I’m doing it again. Look, it’s best if you don’t read this post, not for a few years, at least. Go watch Dora save Christmas. I have some Yuletide-related secrets I want to talk about, so it’s best if this post — kind of like this post and this one — is just between me and the grown-ups for now.

Ready? Here goes…

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Holy Wow! I’m on the Babble 100!

Babble-100-Logo2There is very little reward that comes with blogging. I’m certainly not earning any money off this site. Yes, it’s a great place to promote my upcoming book, which you can preorder at the sites listed here, but come on. If I were really on the ball, I’d have a big ad for my book on my home page. Gotta get on that.

Are you new here? Why not order a copy of this! It's just as good as anything on this site, but not free!

Are you new here? Why not order a copy of this! It’s all-new content. It’s just as good as anything on this site, but you get to pay to read it!

For the most part, I write these posts for the comments, likes, follows, reposts and whatever other forms of cyber-attention I can get.

And then there are lists.

Lists have never been good to me. I can’t remember any lists of good things that I’ve ever been on, but I sure do remember all the lists I’ve been left off, which is pretty much every list, ever. Lists bring out the worst in me. It’s hard to see a list I didn’t make the cut for and not go, “Really? She made it?!” “Oh, come on, in what world is that blog better than MINE?”

I know. I’m not proud.

Well, I have some good news: for once, I don’t have to be petty and jerkish about other people’s success. I made a list! A really big, influential list. A list that’s surely on the list of the top lists of its kind.

Yes, I’m on this year’s Babble 100.

Hoping my new "in" with the Disney corporation will allow me to get away with using this copyrighted image.

Hoping my new “in” with the Disney corporation will allow me to get away with using this copyrighted image.

100 blogs from all over the internet, and I made the cut. Specifically, I made the humor category. Babble, if you didn’t know, is owned by Disney, which means I’m kind of like the Olaf of this group. (If you haven’t seen Frozen yet, you really have to… and not just because it was made by the wonderful Disney corporation, which owns Babble.)

Seriously, I love Babble.

Not just now, and not just for this. I love Babble. I trust Babble. I read Babble. Their list is full of wonderful blogs that I really enjoy. And now it turns out that Babble likes me, they really like me! I feel good.

And guilty.

Now, I look at the list and think, “Wait a second. How did he not make the list?!” “They can’t possibly think I’m funnier than her, can they?!”

I am incredibly flattered. I am incredibly grateful to Babble. I am ridiculously excited about all the new people who will discover my blog and hopefully like, follow, comment and repost me as a result.

Lists can never be perfect, but I’ll say this: It’s better to be on one than off it.

If you found this blog through Babble, then welcome. That scroll bar of featured posts at the top of the page is a good place to start, as is my Best O’Blog page, which lists most of the same stuff.

If you’ve been reading this site for a while, then you’re already on my list of awesome people. Maybe you can stop by Babble and thank them for making me feel good about all the time I spend neglecting my children so I can write these blog posts.

And while you’re there, stick around and read some of their other stuff. Have I mentioned how much I love Babble?