A Blog-to-Book Adventure: Mommy Man’s Jerry Mahoney

Thanks to Cheri Lucas Rowlands for conducting this interview for WordPress, and welcome to anyone who discovered this blog through her post on WordPress.com News. I hope you’ll stick around to read some of my other posts, and make sure you check out the reviews of my book, too!

WordPress.com News

Jerry Mahoney and his partner, Drew Tappon, wanted a family. After searching, they ultimately found an egg donor in Susie — Drew’s little sister. With Susie as their donor, Jerry and Drew were able to pursue their dreams of fatherhood — and have a life they never thought they could have.

We chatted with Jerry about his blog, Mommy Man, his new book of the same name, and blogging on our platform.

How did your blog, Mommy Man, come about?

mommy man header

I’d written a Modern Love column for the New York Times about my family. I got a lot of attention for it, and it convinced me to turn the entire experience of how my partner and I became dads into a book. I found an agent and wrote a book proposal, but it didn’t sell. Despite the exposure from the New York Times, I was still relatively…

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5 comments on “A Blog-to-Book Adventure: Mommy Man’s Jerry Mahoney

  1. Hello Wonderful Dads,

    Just a quick note to say I learned about you today through WordPress.com News. After reading your story and watching your video I smiled but that’s not the reason for this note.

    I was reading some of the comments from fellow bloggers when I came across one that said things like “I don’t mean this in a hateful way” and “I mean no disrespect”.

    With that my anti-bully mode immediately went into gear and I wrote this person who thought they could get away with this comment by writing the following reply:

    I’m deeply disappointed that fellowavenger didn’t have the sensitivity to use a private support form to contact a staff member regarding her concern. Using the Disney logo and saying “I don’t mean this in a hateful way” and “I mean no disrespect” are contradictions in terms. Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true. And WordPress should have had the sensitivity not to post the comment to this lovely story for Jerry or others to view. I hope both fellowavenger and WordPress realize what you’ve done to Jerry’s special moment. I don’t know Jerry or his partner and family but they appear to be a cut above the rest. Better judgement is necessary in this day and age.

    I also decided to send a copy of my comment to fellowavenger at her website along with a post script that said, “Just like your comment, this one can be viewed by the rest of the WordPress family at the post on WordPress.com News. Please exercise the power of better Christian judgement in the future. God Bless.”

    A little later when I went back to check to see if WordPress posted my comment which hadn’t been posted when I first sent it since it was in queue for the moderators to approve, I noticed that they didn’t post it BUT they removed the comment posted by fellowavenger. Interestingly, when I went to fellowavenger’s sight and clicked on her “About” link, she carried on about Christian values. Being a Christian myself this ruffles my feathers like nothing else can and if I had my chance to be in the same room with her I’d say, “Hey lady, my God is your God and He doesn’t make mistakes.”

    Having helped pave the way for gay men and women to adopt along with my partner and appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show when we set precedence in the New York Family Courts back in the 90s when we won our landmark case, I can personally tell you the “feeling” of knowing what having the life you may not have otherwise known is like. Our five children are now fully grown and I can’t image what life without them would have been like.

    I am pleased that I could have stood up for you by having that comment removed as I will continue to do my part with Anti-Bullying causes which is what I do now. There’s no need to post this. It’s up to you. I merely wanted to let you know how and why that message from that negative person got removed.

    God Bless you both,
    Glinda (aka Nicholas)

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