Thanks, Towleroad!

I’m very grateful to one of my favorite blogs, Towleroad, for linking to my blog today.  It’s given me a huge boost in traffic and lots of new readers.  To anyone who found this page via Towleroad, welcome!  I hope you’ll stick around and read a few posts.  If you like what you see, please consider subscribing, liking me on Facebook and/or following me on Twitter.

And please leave a comment and say hello.  I’ve especially enjoyed hearing from other gay dads, but I’d love to hear from anyone who relates to or enjoys something I wrote.  (Which one of the 5 People are you?  C’mon, fess up!)

26 comments on “Thanks, Towleroad!

  1. Hello, from Houston! I found your blog via Towleroad. Fiance and I have discussed kids in our future, so it’s great to find gay couples who have the experiences for us to learn from :).
    Keep writing! I love your blog so far.

  2. Hello from Denver! I also found your blog through Towleroad 🙂 My boyfriend and I are 24 so no plans to become gay dads anytime in the near future… But I’m interested in learning about it!

    • Great. Be glad you have time because having kids is only going to become easier and cheaper for gay couples by the time you’re ready. Thanks for writing! Hope you’ll keep reading.

  3. Found you via Towleroad and look forward to reading your blog. I’d like to add that I’m sure there are plenty of #5s but they prefer hating in private. They know deep down that they’re wrong but their Bible and church allows them to hate so it’s hard to resolve being a descent human being and a ‘good’ Christian. I guess we can be thankful they tend to keep the hate to themselves.

  4. I’ve long sought out gay dad blogs. There aren’t many–and frankly, even fewer seem to probe a little deeper into the experience. So I was so happy to find yours (via Towleroad) and am already eating up some of your previous posts. I look forward to more!

  5. Greetings from Washington, D.C. I’m not a gay dad, but I’m really interested in the dynamics of a family led by same-sex parents. I guess you could say I’d be the #1 in your 5-people list. *hangs head in shame* I found your blog through Google, by way of the Towleroad blog. Have bookmarked your blog and shall be returning regularly.

  6. Yup. New reader from Towleroad. You’ve quickly become a new stop though. I’m about to be 28 and my parter and I are exploring options for having kids. Can’t wait to read more from your blog!

    • Thanks for commenting, Adam. Good luck in your quest for daddyhood. Hopefully, there will be some useful information here. And let me know if you have any questions. I’d be happy to help any way I can!

  7. Thanks for the great blog. I just discovered you through Towleroad as well. I’m 28 and my partner is 33 and we plan on having a kid/kids together through surrogacy in the future. I’m hoping to have paid off my debts and saved up enough money in the next five years to do so (gosh it seems expensive). It is awesome that you’re sharing your experiences and anecdotes on here so I thank you for that.

    • Thanks for writing, Randy. Surrogacy is not an easy – or cheap – road, but it’s great if you can do it. If it’s not too tacky to recommend my own post, here’s one that might interest you, about the advantages of surrogacy:

      6 Reasons (Besides the Biological One) to Consider Surrogacy

      Not that I’m an advocate of any method over the others, but those are some reasons why surrogacy worked for us.

      Good luck – and let me know if you have any questions I can answer.

      • Thanks for linking that article (not tacky at all, by the way). I like the thoughts you present, especially about adoptions not necessarily being more altruistic than surrogacy. It’s something that I get asked a lot when I tell people that I want to have a kid. I always feel a little guilty about not wanting to pursue adoption (at least for my first child) but the main reason I always give is that I’m afraid of the states where gay adoption isn’t legal.

        I did have a question that I’m not sure if you’ve touched upon but… was your arrangement with Drew’s sister protected by any legalese or was it a trust-based decision?

        I’d love it for my partner to be genetically related to our kid/s but I’m hoping to be the biological father.

  8. Jerry,

    New reader, newly expectant gay papa. My husband and I just found out yesterday, so I loved catching up on all your posts today and dreaming of the pitter patter of little feet in our home! We’ll be back often to follow your beautiful family and hopefully learn a few things. Thank you for this blog!

    • Congratulations! It made me so happy to read your comment. I love hearing about other gay dads. I’m sure you already know it, but you’re at the start of a really exciting journey. Best of luck – and keep me posted. Very happy for you!

  9. Greetings from Michigan!

    I’m a straight woman who reads Towleroad everyday. Over there I’m a lurker, but you said to say hi…. 🙂

    Thanks for the post about the 5 types. I’m a BFF type (of course) and I’m just really glad to hear that’s not horribly annoying. 🙂

    My best wishes to you and your family!


    • Thanks, Wendy! You can be my BFF any day. If there’s one underlying point to this post, it’s that people have surprised me by being so much more warm and accepting of my family than I anticipated. I was so sure the haters were going to come out of the woodwork that I’m grateful for any kindness anyone shows me. By all means, continue to shower your gay friends with affection. If they find it annoying, then direct it at me instead. 🙂

  10. Hello from Brazil 🙂 I feel a little young to be a parent yet (I´m 26) and I really never had a “parenthood feeling” until a few weeks ago, when me and my boyfriend took care of his baby niece for a few hours. Seeing him being so careful with her really made me think abou it for the first time! Well, it´s always good to know it´s possible, right? Congratulations on the blog and on the beautiful family 🙂

    • Thanks, Marcel. I’d be fascinated to hear what the climate for gay parents is in Brazil. You have plenty of time to figure out if daddyhood is right for you. Just spend more time with your boyfriend’s niece and you’ll learn pretty fast how you feel about kids. Thanks for writing! 🙂

      • Well, things in Brazil are getting better faster than we could imagine. Gay marriadge has just been legalized all over the country and we keep reading news about gay couples been able to adopt children. It´s not easy, we´re a catholic country after all, but gay rights have advanced a lot in the last 10 years. I really don´t know any gay couple with kids, but I get really happy when I see my straight friends supporting it. Who knows, maybe one day I´ll surprise my parents, who are only expecting grandchildren from my straight sister!

  11. Well, you asked me to say hello… so hello.

    I am one-half of the happiest gay daddies in all of Baltimore. We currently have just one (2 year-old girl) but are currently shopping for another one.

    I, too, found your blog via Towleroad and I look forward to finding time to read more (it is well after 1am and I need to get to bed!). I seem to find a lot of #1’s and 3’s around here. Now that I know the categories, I am going to pay more attention, and categorize them.

    Thanks for inviting us all in.

  12. Hi. I found your blog via Towleroad and absolutely loved your post. I am gay but far from a dad but found your story very moving and still very relevent. I live and work in NYC and sometimes feel like there’s still an opportunity to verbally ‘come out’ to someone everyday. The 5 people you meet as a gay dad, I also meet as an out gay man.

  13. Hi from Vancouver! I also found your blog via Towleroad. My boyfriend and I have been talking about having children someday, probably going to start off with a puppy first though. Your blog is very insightful and inspiring to read and your kids are super cute. I think I’ll be a regular reader from now on.

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